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Friday, May 6, 2011

Current Event 9 May 2011

Do you find this news story funny?
Should something like this make the news? Why/why not?
Do we need some news that make us smile?
Or do you think news have become about bad things?

BERLIN | Wed May 4, 2011 11:20am EDT
(Reuters) - A mayor in Germany helped rescue a man who became trapped in a women's prison after mistaking it for a shortcut to a nearby park, police in the northern city of Hildesheim said on Wednesday.
Hildesheim Mayor Henning Blum heard the man's cries for help while passing by the prison near the city center and notified police who came and freed the 24-year-old.
The man told police he was strolling through town and did not immediately notice he had walked into a prison. By the time it dawned on him where he was, the gate to the jail had already closed, locking him inside.
Police said they are investigating why the prison gate was open, enabling the man to wander in.
(Reporting by Eric Kelsey, editing by Paul Casciato)


Anonymous said...

i think its really dubios that he could accidentally walk in through the prison gates which should have been closed!I think he should be on the news if they have his permisson because it might have been a raid to get some convicts out.Maybe the public think it would be a funny joke?
I personally think its funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Emilly H

Anonymous said...

i think silly accidents like this happen all the time whats the point of putting it on the news. if they put this on the news then who knows maybe sometime soon theyll have people walking into the dairy when they were spose to be going into the warehouse so no it souldnt go on the news its just a waste of time.

funny?? well i guess its a bit funny but also kind of serious in a way that he could have got hurt by the woman that might be aggresive but its funny in a way that he did it accedently without noticing.

yes we do need news to cheer us up at time but not silly storys like this we need storys that are even more funnier than this . i mean are you serious walking somewhere accidently like most people have and yet this story makes it onto the news so not a matter of fact why cant they put my story on there about the time i accendently walked into a wall?

i believe that the news is way to bad at the moment it dosent need to be rated but maybe they shouldnt be so grapic i mean if they say children cant watch cause it may disturb som people what do they do they run up to the telly and turn it up louder.

by alex

Emma Collins said...

I think it is not funny because what if he was not let out or got hurt while he was in there. Whos falut would it be and why was the gate open in the first place what if somebody got out???

No it is a waste of time to put on the news and what about him he should decide if it does.

We do but this is not like other news. News is important and this could be anybody finding out why the gate was open now thats a story! and even if we do have this on the news we might as well put everybody on the news everybody has gone the wrong way once so whats so special about him?

yes at the moment with the earthquakes and tornodos the news is a place to get whats happening on bad things.

I think that maby he was getting somebody out what if he was? And isnt guards ment to be on juty or something and why was there are prisons next to towns? Where did it happen and how far away was it from the park? think was he just looking for the park or something else?

Anonymous said...

This isn't funny and it shouldn't make the news, when a man walks into a womens prison. New to make us smile like the roral wedding that was nice news to watch on television. New hasn't come about bad thing but bad things keep happening to the world and the people.


jade g said...

i think this is a little funny but wat if he got hurt by the gaurds because they thougth that he was trying to get someone out of prison .

i dont think this should make the news because the news is for more important news like what is happning around the world today.

yes we do need news that makes us smile but something thats a bit more funny.
personly i wont think this will make people smile because thease things happen all the time like you accidently walk into a pole its the same thing as walking into a prison but diffrent

yer the news has become all about bad things but its not the news thats doing it all the bad news has happened all around the same time.

Anonymous said...

Yes it was pretty funny but if he had got hurt or not let out it would definitely not be funny.

Yes it was good 2 put it in the paper after all the bad news that we have heard lately it is good to hear some funny and not said news.

Of course we should it is bad for u 2 never smile

I think It has become full of bad news but that dosnt mean it has to always be bad like the royal wedding and stuff.

By imi*

Hamish McEwan said...

i think it is funny because not every day someone walks into a prison without noticing that it is actually a prison.

i think it should make the news because someone could of been helping someone escape.

i think it would be nice if we had some good news because of all the bad things that are happening like the earthquakes and the tsunamis.

the news isn't all bad for example the royal wedding but alto of it is bad.

Anonymous said...

i think this is not that impotant and it sould not go on the news and i also think the news has became about bad things

by mitchell read

Anonymous said...

i think that this should be published on the news so some of the christchurch people have something to laugh about.i dont think that the news is all about bad things because last night they showed a man drove of a cliff with a motorbike and freefalled (with a parachute)


Anonymous said...

also just another thought came to mind i think they should over cheak all of the prisonersto make sure non of them have escaped it may worry the people out in town that prisoners may have escaped...

em just awnsering your question he would say yes if he had the choice to go on the news just to be famous and hopefully they havent escaped or even attempted to escape...

also imi i really like your idea of putting it in the local newspaper because then we can all have a laugh but also it wont become so overly popular

by alex (again):)

Anonymous said...

i really don't think it is funny because while he was in there he could of gotten hurt or left in there for longer. plus does anybody know if someone did get out. i think it should be on the news or something so people not just us shold hear about it!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't think it's funny because the police could of not heard him and he could of been in there for age's and got hurt so think it
shoultn't make the news.


HARRI said...

yes i find this very funny because he just walked in there and that he is a man and not a woman.

yes because prison gates should not just be left open for a people to walk in there but because that the prisoners could escape!!!!!

yes i think it would be nice to have some news to make us smile because the news has beeen about death and the earthquakes that are happening.

lucas said...

I agree with Lance. Police should be more carefull with prison gates and people wondering in by mistake.
Yes it should make the news to notify other prisons.
Yes because we need something to smile about after all the killing and earthquakes.
No but it dose seam like it with most news involving death.

Anonymous said...

i find it kind of funny but how long was the man stuck in there?
i think it could make the news because its important that they are investigating why the woman's prison gate was left open i think that some news should make us smile i mean news lately news is mostly about all of the disasters going on in the world i do think that news is mostly about bad things.
by phoebe

JADE M said...

i guess it sort of funnny considering that he did not notice that he walked into a prison i think i would definly notice if i walked into a prison.

no i dont think this should make the news but maybe they should put in the newspaper so people can read about it.

yes but this is'nt really funny

i dont think the news is all about bad news beacause the royal wedding was'nt bad news.

coolboy1266 said...

funny how caim you mack a prison a sort cut to a park lol

*chloe*;p said...

Q1] it is kind of funny because he walked into a prison and didnt even notice
Q2]no it should not make it to the news they could put it in the local paper so chch can at least have a laugh again
Q3]well yes and no at the same time
some of us do but some dont people in chch who have been affected by the 6.3 might want to know about it and then some people dont even care so yeah
Q4]omg yes it has just gone compleatly bonkers well the news has pretty much always been about bad thing but a coupel were good so about sadin binlardin being killed was a great thing but still the news is about tornados in aukland i think, earth quakes in cantabury, earth quakes and sunarmi in japan that killed thousands of people and earth qaukes in spain now lets get back onto topic so yes i do think that the news is turning into really bad things

Anonymous said...

i find the story funny but stupid like who would walk into a prison.
and why would a prison be near a park???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

i don't know if it should make the news but it should make the paper for a good laugh.

Q3)well the dude that did walk into the prison makes us smile.

depends because they could do any news good and any averge news bad so yea.

By Cal3b

Anonymous said...

i think it is NOT that import TO ME.IT IS CINDRE OF FUNNY

Anonymous said...

sam sed the one ubuz this

Anonymous said...

ithink haveing the prison gate open
is stupid. and him walking into the jail is supid.

by Ben Gibbons

Anonymous said...

I think the story was funny.
we need more news that make us smile.
most news on t.v and in the paper is always bad

by courtney russell :) :)...........

zac-attack said...

i believe it is hiliarious this deserves to make headlines the news is all disaster who killed who, the people of New Zealand deserve a good laugh it should be rated PG for mature audiences some matierial may not be suitable for younger viewers we recommend the guidence of a parent or other adult

i still don't get why would a guy walk into womens prison .

zac-attack said...

sorry i misppelt younger

jeremy said...

[Q1]it is pretty funny i guess
[Q2]no because there is more important stuff to have on the news
[Q3]yes certainly chch needs some humorous stuff to cheer us up
[Q4]i think news is all about bad stuff and really annoying

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA.....Man that's funny as, who walks into a women's prison and doesn't even notice that there doing it. He must have been really distracted. BUT on a more serious note he could have been denied exit or got hurt......but still that's funny.

No, defiantly not because there's allot more things that are more important than this accident. And I would feel pretty bad for that dude being put on national TV, he'd be pretty embarrassed.But it could have been quite serious because he could have exchanged something with the prison people or could have attempted breaking someone out.

I do think the media needs a good kick in the teeth. The only reason the news is about bad stuff is because they find all the bad things to attract people to watch the news. Say for exampled the NZ earthquake was a big hit on the news and after the hole panic was over didn't you realise how many more natural disasters happened around the world and were broadcasting on the news ? well that is the media finding the big things happening in the world and broadcasting on the news to make people watch it.

We do need to have good news every now and then to lighten our spirits and keep us going.